Monday 12 September 2016

Rikin Patel of Whitehall - How To Avoid Diabetes

Rikin Patel of Whitehall is a pharmacist and pharmacy owner. He cares about the health of his clients and knows that many people struggle with diabetes. There are many things a person can do to lower their risk of diabetes and avoid this awful disease. 

Rikin Patel Whitehall

Watch Your Weight
People who are obese or overweight are much more likely to develop diabetes than those who maintain a healthy body weight. If you are concerned about your weight, talk to your doctor about ways to get healthy and be sure to get checked for diabetes.

Eat Right
Eating right will not only help you keep a healthy body weight, but there are many vegetables and fruits that can help prevent diabetes, such as apples, avocadoes and beans. Try to avoid junk food and drink plenty of water. A healthier diet will make a healthier you.

Monitor Your Blood Pressure
You should monitor your blood pressure if you have concerns that it may be too high. People with a history of high blood pressure are also more likely to develop diabetes. Have your doctor check your blood pressure or buy a blood pressure monitor from your local pharmacy so you can test it yourself.

If you or someone you know is at risk for diabetes or if you are you are looking for ways to lower your risk, the above tips can help. Rikin Patel Whitehall sees many customers who struggle with diabetes and is always happy to provide them with the medication they need.