Tuesday 12 July 2016

Rikin Patel of Whitehall - How to Manage High Cholesterol

Pharmacists like Rikin Patel Whitehall have found that high cholesterol is destroying the health of many all across the world. Thankfully, there are many ways to combat high cholesterol, whether it is through the use of prescription drugs, or good diet and exercise. High cholesterol doesn’t have to be managed at the hospital, there are many lifestyle changes and at-home remedies that can be implemented as well.
Rikin Patel Whitehall
Here are a few ways to naturally bring down high cholesterol:

Pick Healthier Fats –
Not all fats are created equally. Saturated fats and trans fats can really raise overall cholesterol levels. A common source of saturated fat is red meat. Processes dairy products are also big contributors of saturated fats. Examples of healthier fat options include olive and canola oils, avocados, almonds, pecans, and other plant-based fats.

Limit Dietary Cholesterol – There are many ways to get cholesterol through diet. That is why it is important to be vary of high cholesterol foods such as egg yolks, whole milk products, and organ meats.

Whole Grains – Reducing your cholesterol isn’t just a matter of avoiding certain foods, it is about eating more of particular ones too. Whole grains have been found to be rich in nutrients, and they also promote heart health. Selecting whole-grand breads, pastas, wheats, and brown rice can give you more energy and lower your cholesterol levels, keeping you healthier, longer.

Rikin Patel of Whitehall and other pharmacists have made efforts to battle high cholesterol through medicine and education, which can perhaps one day bring the struggle to an end.

Source(s): http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/manage/ptc-20181978

Monday 4 July 2016

Rikin Patel of Whitehall - Tips to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

Businessmen like Rikin Patel of Whitehall did not start off as a success. Mr. Patel and others had to build up themselves, and their business in order to be successful. As many entrepreneurs know, starting a business is hard, and keeping it running, debatably even harder. Thankfully, many have created successful businesses in the past, and have shared how they did it.

Rikin Patel Whitehall Here are a few tips to help become a successful entrepreneur:

Be Passionate – Love for what you do has been found to be an important part of any success story. Keeping a business moving is difficult. There will be plenty of times where you feel as if you are running out of gas. Entrepreneurs usually cannot afford to be half-hearted. Being passionate helps provide them with the fuel and fire they need to move through difficult obstacles and succeed.

Manage Risk – An important part of business is to know how to manage risk. Growing a business takes time, and should be treated as such. It is usually not advised that a business owner go “all-in” on one idea or investment. Balance and knowing which risks your company can afford to take, help to ensure the success of it.

Learn From Others – Many successful businessmen and women had to study under someone else first in order to learn what it takes to succeed. You don’t have to know all the answers, just be willing to learn them from others.

Entrepreneurs like Rikin Patel of Whitehall became successful because they were willing to learn and adapt to create their business success.

Source(s): ​https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/240184